Engage. Inspire. Empower.

Welcome Back, Cubs!

Welcome Back, Cubs!

Hi Cubs! We are so excited to welcome you back to a new school year. Whether you are coming Face to Face in our AA/BB model or virtual for Online Catawba, we welcome you to a new school year.

New Practices & Procedures

Below you will find a video that we ask ALL families to watch that will show you the new practices and procedures that we will be implementing to keep students and staff safe.

Watch Video

Supply Lists

If you are looking for supply lists, please visit our School Website where you can click "Supply Lists" to find all grade level lists.

Which days will my child(ren) attend in-person?

Next week all Face to Face families will receive a phone call from their child's teacher to confirm with you the starting days for the first two weeks and whether they are on the AA schedule or BB schedule. (Please see picture of staggered entry schedule)

Virtual Open House

Each teacher has also planned Virtual Open House Google meetings for next week so that parents have a chance to speak with the teacher and ask questions.

Teachers will be sending out links to those google meetings next week.

We look forward to seeing everyone soon!